Trusting an Angel Read online

Page 9

  “Not likely. I’ll be out in a minute.”

  She grabbed pajamas from her dresser and all but ran into the bathroom. Who knew what had possessed her to allow him to stay the night. A small part of her was willing to admit fear that Jake would return. But a much larger, more honest, part knew this was all for her. She’d wanted to be in his arms so long, she would take whatever she could get. If it was in sleep, then so be it.

  It took no time to slip out of the elegant dress and into a plain, oversized nightshirt. The very unflattering pajamas reached her shins and had the faded image of a cat on the front. She opened the bathroom door to find Zerach still in his slacks and sitting on her bed playing with Stanley.

  “I didn’t realize you have a kitten,” he said.

  She smiled and headed for her closet to hang up her dress. “Yes. He’s nothing but trouble and still I love him dearly.”

  Zerach chuckled and tossed one of his socks onto the floor. Stanley immediately jumped off the bed to pounce on it. Now that getting into her bed with him was inevitable her nerves protested loudly. He stood and faced her from beside the bed. She remained by the open closet door watching him.


  Zerach fought the urge to read Isadora’s surface thoughts as she watched him approach. There was no fear in her. A sense of nervousness permeated the room, but he could ease her from it. He didn’t know what he would do if she was afraid of him. She was such a treasure. Sleeping beside her without feeling her skin against his would be one of the hardest things he had ever done as a human. But for her he could endure anything.

  He cradled her face between his palms and kissed her. She moaned sweetly into his mouth as he fought his most basic instincts. He wanted her naked and pliant. He wanted to please her. He slid his hand down her body to just below her ribs and rubbed. She squirmed a bit but didn’t protest. Bolstered by her acceptance, he dropped his touch to her lush bottom. That garnered an instant reaction as she leaned into him. His erection pressed into her soft body and grew even harder. She moaned again.

  He kissed her throat as his fingers caressed her back and ass. She leaned back across his arm, giving him full access to her skin above the V-neck collar of her silly nightshirt. He accepted her invitation eagerly, sucking on her pale skin until goose bumps formed.

  “Mmm, you taste wonderful.”

  She clutched his shoulders, mewling in response. Her pulse quickened, the sound a steady rhythm in his mind. The musk of her arousal was unmistakable, and she was once again pliant in his arms. But now he was wary. The echo of Jake’s attack remained too close. Zerach cursed himself for not being more sympathetic and leaving her alone. But he had also been worried about Jake coming back tonight. For all they knew he was outside waiting for Zerach to leave.

  He had both hands cupping her ass as he pressed his erection into her lower belly. His kisses became more insistent. He hadn’t been lying about her taste. She was exquisite, the sweetest ambrosia and he wanted to taste every delectable inch. He maneuvered her toward the bed, but as soon as her legs hit the side she froze.


  “Yes, sweetness?”

  “Wait. Please. I… I can’t.”

  He slowly released his hold and slid his hands up to her lower back. At the first sign of fear or discomfort he would release her, but wasn’t willing to a second sooner than necessary. “I truly believe the best things in life are worth waiting for. I can wait as long as you need.”

  She bit her lip and her smooth brow wrinkled in a slight frown. “I’m sorry. I mean…I want to. I really do.”

  She squirmed a bit, inadvertently rubbing against his erection. He fought down a groan and inhaled the heady fragrance of her arousal, immediately realizing the problem.

  “Dora, do you trust me?”

  She opened her mouth to answer but paused for the longest moment of his life. “Yes.”

  He released a breath in relief and reluctantly let her pull the comforter back. With one hand he waved her onto the bed and she went without protest. Once he turned off the light, the only illumination streamed through the open bathroom door. Her gaze was like a physical caress as he removed his slacks. He took his time folding them over a chair before returning to the bed.

  “A-Are those silk?” she asked.

  He glanced down at his boxers, hoping she wasn’t offended by the slight tent, and nodded. “Yup. I love the feel of silk against my bare skin.”

  Even in the darkened room he easily saw her skin flush. His boxers tented a bit more.

  “Oh. Yes, me too.”

  He sat on the bed and moved closer to her. She remained still, as if watching a dangerous animal approach. The comforter was still pulled back to reveal her down to her knees.

  “Just relax, precious. I swear I won’t hurt you.”

  “I know.”

  He stretched out beside her and leaned his head on one hand, looking down at her stiff form. Her arms were on either side of her body, and he ran a finger lightly down the one between them.

  “That tickles a little,” she said with a laugh.

  He smiled. “Do you want me to stop?”

  She shook her head. “No. It’s…nice.”

  He added a bit of pressure to her skin as he ran his fingertips up and down. Within seconds she relaxed a bit more.

  “I’d like to ask you a question, but it’s very personal. If it offends you, just slap me and I’ll never ask again.”

  She smiled and gave a slight shrug. “Go ahead. I won’t slap you.”

  “Wait until you hear the question before making that promise.”

  Her smile deepened. He waited a few more seconds, until she had relaxed further, before asking, “Have you ever been with a man?”

  As he had expected, she stiffened again. When she didn’t move away or slap him, hope bloomed in his chest.

  She bit her lip and stared at the ceiling for a moment, and he knew she debated whether to give him the truth. He held his breath.

  “Um…no. No I haven’t.”

  His relief was swift and strong, making him lightheaded. He remembered to breathe again and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. “Thank you for telling me.”

  Moisture swam in her eyes as she nodded. “I…I would like you to be the first, Zerach, but I’m just not ready yet.”

  He couldn’t help but kiss her again, which he meant to be a light kiss of reassurance and thanks. He knew too well the precious gift she offered. However, the scent of her arousal as well as the sweetness of her confession worked a potent magic on him until he was hard-pressed to pull away. But he forced himself.

  “I can wait until the end of time for you, Dora. Thank you.”

  She gasped out a laugh and shook her head, dislodging tears that slid down the sides of her face. He immediately wiped them away.

  “You won’t have to wait that long. I promise.”

  “I’ll wait as long as you need me to. But tonight I would really like to pleasure you.” She opened her mouth and he covered it with one finger. “You can keep your clothes on. I won’t do anything you don’t like.”

  She slowly closed her mouth until pressing a kiss to the tip of his finger.

  “Okay,” she agreed.

  He grinned and started kissing her again.


  Her blood boiled in her veins at the onslaught of sensations coursing through her, but Isadora wouldn’t trade the feelings for anything in the world. She had confessed her innocence and he’d neither balked nor laughed. She wanted to give him everything for that treasure alone.

  “I’m just going to touch you a bit, over the shirt. Okay?” he asked.

  She murmured her agreement, unable to form a coherent thought, much less words. His large hand began to roam and she moaned into his questing mouth.

  He moved slowly but steadily. His fingers kneaded gently, beginning with one breast then moving to the other. She clenched the sheet beneath her in her fists. Though she wanted so badly to touc
h him, she didn’t trust herself. If her full desires were unleashed they would be making love and he would see and feel her scars.

  He teased her nipples into hardened points before plucking each one between his fingers. Moisture pooled at the apex of her legs and she rubbed her thighs together in agitation. No one had ever made her feel this way. The desire was so strong it formed an ache deep in her body. She knew how to satisfy it in theory but had never ventured to try.

  Just as she considered begging him to help, he moved his hand slowly down her abdomen until it rested lightly on her mons. Her breath froze in her lungs. She both wanted and feared what he might do next. As if sensing her apprehension, he pulled back from kissing her throat to look her in the eye.

  “I’ll never hurt you.”

  He spread his hand wide, pressing down against the source of her aching need. She shivered and spread her legs for him. “I-I know.”

  He kissed her chin, avoiding the spot on her jawline that Jake had left sore. She had forgotten about it, forgotten about Jake and everything except Zerach. Then he rubbed the heel of his palm up and down in slow, sure strokes, and her breath caught.


  “Yes, precious. Make all the noise you want.”

  She gulped air into her lungs and inadvertently spread her legs further, rocking her hips to coincide with the steady rhythm of his hand. He continued to kiss her from temple to throat as his hand worked its magic.

  Like a slow wave cresting on the shore, immeasurable pleasure built low in her body and began to spread. She knew what was happening, had read about it and even accidentally gotten close a time or two in the shower. Zerach coaxed an orgasm out of her ready body, and she happily allowed it.


  “It’s all right. Just close your eyes and feel the pleasure I can give you. I want to watch your face as you come.”

  His deep, sexy voice added to the sensual haze until she rested on the precipice. She rocked her hips up against his palm as he applied a bit more pressure. Then he leaned down and lightly clamped one cloth-covered nipple between his teeth, and she exploded.


  He tugged on her nipple before switching to the other and streaks of lightning shot from each breast straight to her vagina. She whimpered in ecstasy and rubbed her thighs together, trapping his hand between them.

  “Oh, Zerach—”


  She opened her eyes to find a smug grin on his face, but was too sated to care. “That was amazing.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose and rubbed his hand between her thighs one last time, sending a shiver down her spine.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed it. You’re beautiful when you come.”

  The lust in his gaze kept her from humiliation, but her face still flushed at his praise. She closed her legs and felt his warmth along her side, hardness pressing into her hip.

  “Oh. Um…”

  He chuckled. “Don’t worry about me. Watching and touching you was more than pleasurable.”

  “But your, uh…”



  He chuckled again, and she playfully slapped his chest. As soon as her palm made contact with his warm skin she knew she’d made a grave mistake. His light pelt of dark hair tickled her fingers, and she wished she was brave enough to do more.

  “My erection will eventually go down, and I’m happy to just hold you.”

  “But that’s hardly fair.”

  He grinned. “Sure it is.”

  “How do you figure?”

  “I wanted to make you come, and you let me. You’ve given me a great gift tonight.”

  He kissed her again before she could answer, and she took the opportunity to run both hands over his chest. He made no move to stop her, so she kept going over his ridged abdomen and down to the top of his boxers. His erection pulled the loose material taut, and she accidentally brushed the head with her wrist. He moaned and continued to kiss her.

  She considered her options and knew there was no way she would make him try to sleep without easing him. The question was, could she really be brave enough to touch his bare skin? She’d never seen a naked man outside a movie or television screen. But this was Zerach, the man of her fantasies. How could she possibly let this opportunity slip by?

  He deepened the kiss and moments passed before she realized her hands had been still. She could do this. She started rubbing the skin just above his waistband. He groaned but did nothing to stop her. She turned onto her side, moving closer to him, and he adjusted while maintaining their kiss. After a few more dizzying seconds she made her move.

  It was tricky working blindly with her hands and the unfamiliar landscape of a man’s body. She started by twining her legs with his, taking care to keep her nightshirt pulled past her knees. He had moved one arm so it pillowed her head while his other arm wrapped over her waist and held her loosely to him. He allowed her legs free reign and kept the pulse-pounding kiss going.

  Next, she tucked one finger beneath the waistband of his boxers. His stomach muscles tensed, but that was the only sign he felt her. She ran her finger back and forth over his hip. After a few seconds of building courage, she slid her finger to the front of his body and brushed softer skin. He gasped and finally ended their kiss but made no move to stop her.

  “Enjoying yourself?” he asked.

  The breathless quality of his voice gave her courage, and she bit his bottom lip. “Yes.”

  He chuckled before swallowing loudly. It was too dark to read his face but his tense muscles and harsh breathing told her how she affected him.

  “Feel free to do whatever you want. And stop whenever.”

  She smiled and pressed one palm against his chest, adding pressure until he took the hint and fell onto his back. She sat up until she was beside him with her knees tucked beneath her. He watched but said nothing, clasping his hands behind his head in surrender.

  “I can do anything?” she asked shyly.

  He nodded. “Anything at all. And if you need to stop I won’t get mad.”

  Unexpected tears stung the back of her throat at his immediate submission. Who would have thought this confident, larger than life man would be so understanding of her needs?

  She took a deep breath for courage and slowly peeled down his boxers. He lifted his hips without her asking until she was able to strip the material completely off. She tossed the boxers aside and stared.

  The dim lighting hid details within shadows, but she didn’t need a spotlight to know Zerach was magnificent. His hard cock stood proudly from his body within a nest of dark curls, thick veins pulsing with life. She licked her lips in anticipation, wondering what she should do first. Though she had never touched a man before, she had read many types of books that gave hints of what they enjoyed.

  “Feeling your soft hands on me would be heaven,” he whispered.

  She smiled at his subtle hint and lightly wrapped one palm around his cock. He moaned and flexed his thighs. A heady surge of power coursed through her.

  “I want to make you come,” she said.

  He nodded and rocked his hips. She took the hint and began moving her hands up and down the hard shaft. His skin was soft and felt wonderful in her hand. She had a moment of daring and leaned forward to kiss the tip. He hissed, and she jerked her head up to see his head thrown back, eyes closed in bliss. A drop of moisture formed below her lips, and she licked it off without hesitation.

  “Ah! Isadora…”

  His groan was like music to her ears. There was no doubt he was enjoying her inexpert ministrations. She decided to try it again, a single slow lick over the head of his cock. He groaned again and rocked his hips. She moved her hands in tandem. As more moisture leaked from him she began a steady rhythm of stroking and licking.

  “Sweetness, it won’t take much more now. I’m going to come.”

  She glanced up to his face, noticing a fine sheen of sweat covered his entir
e body. He trembled, the veins in his arms standing out with the effort of him keeping them in place above his head. She wanted nothing more than to make him climax, but her courage began to falter. She’d only read about it and wanted him to feel as good as he’d made her feel.

  “What should I do?” she asked.

  He smiled sweetly and brought both arms down. One large hand covered her smaller one, speeding up the rhythm of her strokes. The other hand gently tangled in her hair as he nudged her forward.

  “Kiss me,” he said.

  Rather than going straight for his mouth, she kissed a path up his chest, over his throat and finally to his lips. He was breathing hard, his hand moving hers faster as he neared climax. She nibbled on his lips, sucking his tongue into her mouth and putting all of the passion into the kiss that she felt for him. He groaned and bucked his hips violently, coming in deep spasms. She held onto him and couldn’t help but rub her body against his as he trembled. After nearly a full minute he finally seemed to calm.

  “Oh, Dora…thank you.”

  She smiled as pride filled her. She had made him come and the pleasure showed brightly in his eyes. Her hand was still on his slowly deflating cock. She looked down to see the mess he’d made all over their hands and his chest.

  “Oh, uh…”

  He laughed and dropped his head back with a groan.

  “As soon as I think my legs will hold me, I’ll jump in the shower for a quick rinse.”

  She giggled and placed a kiss on his chin. He released her hand, which she set against his warm belly. They both rose slowly from the bed. She washed her hands as he stepped into the shower. Though she would have loved to join him she knew it wasn’t possible…yet. She went back to bed and slipped beneath the covers.

  “I’ll be out before you can miss me,” he called out.

  She smiled and closed her eyes to replay the last few minutes in her mind. “Too late,” she whispered.


  Zerach’s pulse had finally slowed to a semblance of normal when Isadora fell asleep. He lay on his back, her head cushioned on his chest, and her small body tucked into his side trustingly. The past few minutes went through his mind over and over. Who knew she would be so daring? He grinned at the thought and placed a kiss on her head. She didn’t even stir, attesting to her fatigue from a long, stressful day.