Trusting an Angel Read online

Page 7

  “I don’t know what his problem is,” she said with obvious frustration. “I’m tempted to cancel our date tonight, but he’d probably show up at my door anyway.”

  That set off an internal alarm. Zerach’s kind weren’t the only ones who would sense Isadora’s innocence and inherent goodness. A demon would look at her as a feast. A human looking to open a portal into hell could easily use someone like her as fuel. It was very possible Jake considered her an apt sacrifice.

  “Where’s he taking you?”

  “The jazz café at the corner of Travis. I mentioned how I’ve been wanting to go there, and he made reservations right in front of me. I’ll admit I’m excited, but I don’t trust a guy who tries that hard to impress me.”

  He made note of that and called for the check. “So, a night of dinner and dancing. Sounds like fun.”

  She shrugged. “I hope so. We got along okay last night when he showed up at my door, but I don’t know. There’s just something about him now. I mean…I know we’ve both grown into people vastly different from who we were as kids. I just don’t know if I can handle how he’s changed.”

  “Everyone changes over time, but often the core of the person remains the same.”

  She smiled with little humor. “Yeah. Until it rots.”

  The check arrived as he considered the reasons for that bitter response. “What time is he picking you up? I don’t mind you leaving early.”

  Her smile turned genuine. “Thank you. I truly appreciate the offer. But it’s not necessary. He’s not picking me up until seven. I should have plenty of time.”

  He accepted that with a nod as he signed the credit card receipt. Soon they were strolling back to the office. They made more pleasant small talk about mundane things like the weather, while he made plans to be at the jazz café by eight o’clock.

  At seven-thirty he sat in a bar across the street sipping beer with Rafe. A table of women had been eying them since they’d walked in the door.

  “I know you’ve got things to do tonight, but I just might have to step out early,” Rafe said.

  Zerach followed his gaze, expecting it to be on the table from where feminine laughter echoed. Instead he realized Rafe watched the female bartender a few feet away. She seemed completely oblivious to his attention.

  “You’d probably have better luck with our drunken admirers over there,” Zerach said with a subtle nod to the table.

  “You mistake my intentions. Clear your mind of tonight’s task and take a deep breath. Try to read her thoughts and tell me what you see.”

  Zerach turned to watch the woman prepare drinks. She was average height and a little on the thin side. Her muscular arms told of many hours at physical work. Severely short hair was dyed to an unnatural purple hue that suited her. As far as he could tell, she wore no make-up. Her pale skin contrasted with her hair, making her seem almost ethereal. His glance took in the black corset and jeans that made up her ensemble. When she turned toward the cash register the top of a blood-red tattoo on one shoulder caught his eye.

  Something about her didn’t sit well so he took a deep breath as Rafe suggested. A hint of demon taint filled his nostrils, and it was clearly coming from her direction. He frowned and tried to read her surface thoughts. It didn’t always work with demons. Their minds were often too bestial to read clearly. But this time he slammed into a wall so high and thick he couldn’t get past it. No demon or human had ever been able to block him in such a way before. So what did that make her?

  “Half-demon?” he asked.

  Rafe nodded. “That would be my guess. She blends in well, which means she controls her unnatural hungers for blood and chaos. I wonder how long she’s worked here.”

  A very generous tip to the circling waitress had all their questions answered about the bartender in no time. The most telling thing was how easily the answers came. There was obviously no love lost between the women.

  The bartender was named Asta, and she had only been working there the past three weeks. According to the waitress she was all attitude and filthy mouth. No one got along with her except the bar’s owner, who seemed to have fallen in lust with her from the moment she walked in the door. Zerach knew that kind of reaction from a man could be easily manipulated by a demon, even one of mixed blood. The biggest mystery was where she had come from. Finding a half-demon was so rare neither he nor Rafe could remember the last time it had happened.

  They needed to get her alone to question her and assess her threat. Though their job was to eliminate demons, all humans were considered under their care. Her having mixed blood presented a problem. She didn’t appear to be harming anyone with anything more than her sarcastic wit.

  “I can stay here until closing and question her,” Rafe said. “If you need me across the street beforehand then the questioning can wait. If she hasn’t caused enough chaos to be noticed in the past three weeks, a few more hours won’t matter.”

  Zerach had to agree. The possibility that Jake was summoning demons was the bigger concern. “Sounds like a plan. She needs to be watched.”

  Rafe agreed and turned back to his beer, subtly eying the bartender. One of the drunken women finally found enough courage to approach their table. Zerach gave her a warm smile and bought them a round of drinks before politely sending her on her way.

  “Maybe you shouldn’t leave,” Rafe said. “What if they get desperate and attack me all at once?”

  Zerach laughed and clapped his brother on the shoulder. “Then I suggest you use some of your charm to fend them off. Tell them you’re already taken with the bartender.”

  They both laughed as Zerach walked away.

  He crossed the street and entered the dark interior of the jazz café at precisely eight o’clock. The deep, soothing notes of an alto sax filled his ears and eased his restless soul. He loved jazz music. It would be a good night to relax and enjoy it if not for the hint of demon taint he inhaled on his way in. He was now almost positive Jake was the culprit.

  It took no time at all to find them. Jake had Isadora in a booth near the back of the small restaurant, farthest from the stage. It was dimly lit and away from the flow of foot traffic. A perfect place for seduction. Zerach made his way over and opened his senses. The rage and chaos of a demon’s intentions slammed into him almost at once. His step faltered, and he nearly bumped into a waiter. After excusing himself from the harried server he made his way to the back table. Dora looked radiant in her navy-blue dress. Jake wore a custom-made designer suit. Together they painted a pretty picture of class, elegance, and wealth that made Zerach’s jaw clench in annoyance.

  The urge to storm over to their table nearly overwhelmed him, but he checked it and leisurely strolled by. He glanced over then did a double take as if surprised to see them. “Isadora. I forgot you might be here.”

  She smiled nervously, while Jake barely hid a scowl. Zerach held out his hand. “Jake Deagan, right?”

  They had met before but only briefly. Jake shook his hand and the burn of demon filled his palm. There was no doubt now that Jake had caused the latest breach.

  “That’s right. And you’re Zerach Maxwell. Isadora has mentioned you.”

  His attitude came across loud and clear. Zerach was far from welcome at their table. That made his satisfaction even better when he rested against the side of the booth closest to Dora.

  “Zerach. What a surprise to see you here,” she said.

  She didn’t look at all surprised. They kept their voices low in deference to the live performance. He set one hand on the table next to Dora’s and leaned into her personal space as if to speak confidentially. “I honestly forgot you two would be here tonight. I was just with my brother across the street.”

  “Oh?” Her shaky response proved how much he still affected her despite Jake’s presence.

  “And your brother?” Jake asked. “Is he joining you?”

  Zerach chuckled and noticed how small bumps rose on Dora’s neck. “He found someone muc
h more interesting to dine with across the street. I haven’t eaten but wanted to give him privacy so decided to duck in here.”

  For a second he thought she would invite him to join them despite it being a date. The intention was there in her gaze clear as day. Then Jake cleared his throat and broke the spell. Dora shook her head slightly and turned away.

  “The bar wasn’t too crowded a few minutes ago,” Jake said. “We waited there for our table.”

  Zerach grinned. Straightening away from Dora was harder than it should have been but he forced himself to create that space. “Good to know. I’ll leave you to your dinner then.”

  He walked away with the sensation of Dora’s gaze burning into his back.

  Jake Deagan is the threat for certain. He sent out the telepathic message to all his brothers save Gabriel, who he didn’t think could hear him, anyway.

  Zerach had to decide exactly how this would play out. Jake was obviously in up to his neck, but just what did Dora know? He wanted to think the best of her. Her aura of pure goodness couldn’t lie. But as the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Hopefully Dora remembered that as well.

  Chapter Five

  It was harder than it should have been to concentrate on Jake once Zerach walked away. Isadora laughed in all the right spots and gave the most sympathetic expressions she could, but at the back of her mind was the constant reminder that Zerach remained somewhere nearby. She couldn’t see the bar from their table but she could see the door. He hadn’t left yet.

  “I hope you don’t mind marrying quickly. I think we can probably have all the arrangements done within a month.”

  That snapped her attention back to Jake. “A month? That’s awfully quick, don’t you think?”

  He grinned and took her hand between both of his. “I don’t want to wait even that long, but I want you to have the wedding of your dreams, Izzy.”

  She swallowed hard and tried to pull her hand away. He wouldn’t let go. “Jake, I’m flattered that you want me so badly. But really, a month just isn’t long enough to plan a wedding.”

  “How about Vegas? They have really classy set-ups in the hotels now. They’re even shown on the Internet for the guests who can’t make it.”

  She shook her head both in exasperation and denial. “I don’t think so.”

  “Or a cruise. We could be married by the captain of the ship.”

  He sounded so excited by that prospect she had to laugh. “Um, no.”

  “I don’t want to wait more than a month, Izzy. It’s been long enough as it is.”

  His eagerness really was flattering but also confusing. “Jake, please. Be reasonable. I know you need the boost to your reputation, but I think we need to take things slower. Get to know each other again…don’t you agree?”

  “I’m being perfectly reasonable. Besides, we’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other once we’re married. This isn’t just about my reputation. I want you as my wife, and when I want something I go for it. Life’s too short to wait for the best things. Anyway, I’ve already given you three different options.”

  “Not viable options. I’d like a traditional wedding. In a church.”

  His demeanor suddenly clouded over, and he dropped her hand so fast it hit the table with a thud. She gasped and pulled it to her breast. “Ouch. That hurt.”

  “I don’t go to church. That’s out of the question.” He had turned away so she couldn’t read his expression.

  The growl in his voice was so unexpected she flinched. Was she marrying an atheist? “Oh. Uh…okay. Well, what about an outside wedding performed by a priest?”

  He faced her again with a frown. “I didn’t realize you’re Catholic.”

  “Yes. I have been my whole life. In fact, I thought you were too.”

  He shrugged and played with the condensation on his wine glass. “I was. A long time ago.”

  Silence filled the next few minutes and their food arrived. She tried to ignore the doubts filling her mind. A stern talking to in the mirror that morning had convinced her to accept Jake’s proposal. Not only should she help Bill and Alice however she could, but maybe it was time to settle down. Jake certainly had the money to help her raise a family. She did care about him. Hopefully love would follow quickly. And if they never had a great passion like she read about it her favorite novels then that was just too bad. Life wasn’t a work of fiction. She would do best to remember just how serious and fleeting it could be.

  They finished dessert and a second bottle of wine. The musicians played their last song. Jake’s stares began to stretch out until he blatantly ogled her breasts with no compunction. She wondered if he was sober enough to drive. As they stepped out into the humid Houston air she took a deep breath and prayed for patience. Jake’s hand was firmly on her ass.

  “Jake, maybe I should drive.”

  He snorted out a laugh as the valet pulled his red sports car to the curb. “I don’t think so, sweetheart. I’ve had more than two bottles of wine with dinner many times.”

  She held her tongue as he helped her into the car. At least there were passenger-side air bags. The trip to her apartment passed in a blur and too soon he followed her to the door. She let him in and headed straight to the kitchen.

  “Hey,” he called from the living room. “What are you doing in there?”

  “Making coffee.”

  He chuckled, and she couldn’t help but notice how it had no effect on her whatsoever. Not like when Zerach released his deep, masculine laugh. Just the memory made her shiver.

  She dropped her purse onto the kitchen table and made coffee. Hopefully it would help sober Jake a bit. The task helped clear what little alcohol she’d consumed from her own head, and with it came the realization that letting him into her apartment had probably been a bad idea. What if he refused to leave? He’d been touching her in little ways all evening with increasing boldness. Slight signs of possession that proved he had claimed her in his own mind.

  The coffee finished, and she poured two mugs full. She walked into the living room and nearly dropped them. Jake had removed his jacket, tie, shoes, and socks. He lounged on her sofa as if he owned the place. But what most shocked her was his phone and wallet sitting on her coffee table…with a condom beside them.

  She stiffened her spine as anger made her brave. She plunked the mugs onto the coffee table right beside his things and picked up the condom. “Feeling a bit confident tonight?”

  He grinned. “I’m just being practical, baby. We both know where this is going.”

  She threw the condom back onto the table and walked to the door. “Oh, I don’t think so.” With one hand on the knob she said, “I think it’s time you went home.”

  He rose slowly, unleashed power evident in every muscle. Even barefoot he towered over her by at least a foot. The space between them may as well have not existed. She was never more aware of her feminine weakness. He studied her like a cat eying a mouse and sweat broke out at the small of her back. Somehow she needed to convince him to leave, but not a single rational argument came to mind. Fear clogged her throat as he walked toward her.

  “Now, Izzy, is that really what you want? We’re going to be married soon. It’s not like we’re never going to have sex.”

  The ridiculous thing was she hadn’t really thought about that part of their marriage. Jake had no clue she was so horribly scarred, and she didn’t know how to tell him. An irrational part of her mind refused to think about it at all. She just didn’t want to share that much of herself with him yet.

  “Jake, I don’t want to do this tonight. I’m tired, and I have to work tomorrow. I need some sleep.”

  He stopped with barely a foot of space between them. For a second his pupils almost seemed to glow with a reddish light. She blinked and it was gone, apparently a figment of her imagination. He lifted both hands and set them against the door on either side of her head, caging her in.

  “I don’t want to sleep alone tonight,
baby. We’re going to be married soon and you’ll be in my bed every night. I think it’s time I got a little taste of what’s to come.”

  She shook her head and put one hand on his chest to push him away. He was like granite, immovable and stronger than her feeble attempts. “Jake, no.”

  He simply grinned and grabbed her arms. In the next heartbeat he was on her, hands in her hair controlling her head as he moved his mouth over hers. She screamed and tried to twist her face away but it did no good. The stinging in her scalp was nothing compared to the bite he placed on her jaw.

  “Jake! Stop. Stop it.”

  She kicked him, but he kept kissing her. She curved her fingers into claws and scratched at his head and neck. He grabbed one wrist and yanked it behind her back with such force her shoulder burned. She screamed and the door behind her shook.

  “What the fuck?”

  Jake pulled back and shoved her behind him. She realized someone pounded on her door. She stumbled back and wrapped her arms around her waist as Jake yanked open the door. Relief filled her so quickly she nearly passed out. Zerach stood there like a knight in shining armor. The look on his face clearly said he’d heard her scream.

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” Jake asked.

  Zerach took one look at her and grabbed Jake by the collar, lifting him off his feet in a surge of strength that left her breathless. The look on his face said he would be willing to kill Jake with his bare hands.

  “What. The. Fuck. Did you do to her?”

  With the look of death clearly glowing from his eyes, a smart man would have done all he could to appease her boss. Unfortunately Jake wasn’t so smart when he wasn’t completely sober. He sneered at Zerach and grabbed his wrists. “Put me the fuck down, Maxwell, or I’ll make sure you’re dead by the end of the week.”

  It wasn’t the threat itself that shocked Isadora, but the conviction in his voice. He said it like a man who could follow through, and that scared the hell out of her. She stepped forward to gain Zerach’s attention. “It’s okay. I’m all right now.”

  He seemed to take in her entire appearance with a glance. It apparently satisfied him because he dropped Jake none too gently, nearly throwing him toward the sofa. “I think you’ve had too much to drink, Deagan. It would be best if you went home now.”